China’s New Conscious Consumer - Part 1

Pressure from the pandemic has accelerated certain trends in China for consumer behaviour. In the Financial Times Ranking of 2020's Top Performing Companies, China ranked number one with 36 featured. These companies benefited by appealing to a new segment we nicknamed 'conscious consumers'.

Better communication is the key to doing business with China

China may be complex, but connecting is the way forward in business.

As 2020 draws to a close, Singing Grass was privileged to take part in the Pros Winter series, a platform for showcasing cultural diversity in marketing communications, in partnership with Google. Our MD Alicia Liu spoke about relations with China as part of a panel discussion on Sinophobia and its impact on brands and consumers.

Observations on ten years in publishing: Between East and West

With Covid curbs fading, China is set for a resumption in consumer consumption. In an exclusive interview with China in Publishing, our CEO @AliciaLiu reflected on her ten years in the industry working in China and the UK, offering her insights on how international collaborations can break down geographical barriers due to the travel restrictions.